Human Rights and Labor Initiatives

  • TOP
  • CSR
  • Human Rights and Labor Initiatives

1. Basic policy on human rights

①We will work to protect and respect human rights.

②We will respect the individuality of each employee and strive to provide equal opportunity for employment, skill development and promotion according to their abilities.

③In corporate activities, we will work to eliminate unfair discrimination based on race, creed, gender, age, social status, family origin, nationality, ethnicity, religion, or disability.

2. Basic policy on labor

①Eliminate unreasonable low-wage labor and strive to create a healthy, safe and hygienic workplace both physically and mentally.

②We will work to eliminate forced labor and labor for juvenile and children (under 18 years old).

3. Improvement of working environment and promotion of work-life balance

①We will work to create a workplace where elderly people and people with disabilities find it easy to work.

②We will strive to balance work and childcare / nursing care.

③We will work to develop human resources.